Life In The Park
After a stormy, overcast day yesterday, we have SUNSHINE again this morning--to which I am so accustomed--even so, the wind is gusty and it's CHILLY this early morning!
This day certainly started out with a BANG!!
About 7:30AM I was out on my deck, preparing my recycle bin to put out on the curb and bagging up my garbage for removal today, when closeby I heard a *CRASH* ... then SHATTERING GLASS!! A momentary pause was followed by an unintelligible expletive (of the male species, or perhaps female-off-hormones?) and then more tinkling of glass!! It sounded like one of my neighbors was *TRASHING* THE INSIDE OF THEIR HOME!!
I looked around and saw no action... Hey, this place is NOT an 'early' action place... people sleep-in, and it's generally v-e-r-y quiet until later in the day! My immediate concern was for the widow lady across the street who lives alone, but I saw that her car was gone and realized that she was away, so this disturbance likely didn't come from there... Then I thought, it must be the people who seem to me a little rough 'n' rowdy who live on the other side of Brenda & John who live next door to me ... I heard some scuffling, and wondered if I needed to go back indoors and DUCK & HIDE!!! I was half-way expecting GUNSHOTS next!
About then, John--who works nights and is a day-sleeper, came out of their MH and stood calmly on the walk... Horrified, I peered over at him and inquired, "WHAT'S going on?"
He looked BLANK... dazed... slightly shook his head, and didn't say anything...
Still alarmed, I continued, "All that CRASHING..."
Deadpan face, he calmly replied, "Ohhh... One of our pictures fell off the wall and shattered the glass." Perking up a bit, he added, "And, it was a NICE picture, too!"
In relief, I answered, "Oh, my! I thought one of our neighbors was TRASHING their place!"
We agreed that since the picture looked like it was still okay, that they could get a new glass and frame. I suggested a LIGHTWEIGHT frame this time around! *hehehe* He agreed and even smiled at that one!
When I came back indoors, I noticed that John & Brenda's living room window had been left open overnight so that was why I so clearly heard the incident!
Hopefully, that was our Excitement-For-The-Day at West Pine Manor!
Gotta go! My coffee is cold...