Wynters Wramblin's

Wynters Wramblin's is the name of the annual Christmas (or New Year's letter, if I'm late) that I publish and send to family and friends. I've missed a year here and there, so somehow the name just seems fitting for my blog. I hope that friends and family will visit here often and ENJOY!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winters’ Wramblin’s ~ Christmas 2007

left: Miss Jess Mar 2007 / right: Miss Jess Oct 2007

Dear Family & Friends,

WHAT a year! Starting with grandiose plans & ideas, snowballing into a frantic frenzy, and ending in a (not-quite) feeble fizzle! Too much excitement, too many interests, taking too much time and energy, not allowing for life’s interferences--what more can I say? Not realizing until too late…that I had spread-myself-too-thin! It didn’t happen overnight, and I’m not getting out of it overnight…

Those of you who are not dog-lovers will NOT understand this, but I’m going to share it anyway since this is MY letter! I lost my sweet little SophiaSnowflakeWinters in April. Sophi had been my furry companion for more than 12 years. I cried all summer, but it was too hot to even THINK about getting another dog because of the period of adjustment required. I was busy, and she would have had to stay home alone [too hot for car], so I just kept crying… Finally, the first of August, I started LOOKING, checking into available small dogs for rescue, ones that didn’t require constant grooming. Discovered several breeds that interested me! Missed out on several precious little darlings that went to other homes before my inquiry… Then, I learned of a little guy in Emmett that needed a new person--his boy left for the Job Corp. A pure-bred UKC registered Rat Terrier that I named Buddy was available -- right time, right place, right terms, and my crying stopped! I got him, thinking of Kasey, my mini-schnauzer from 1988-2001... Buddy is a handsome fellow, and is perfect for me at this time in my life in almost every way! One tiny problem (it’s actually HUGE!), is that Buddy suffers from Anxiety Separation, a NEW dog experience for me, forcing me to make major adjustments and changes! However, these were changes that needed to be made anyway, so it’s interesting that things worked out forcing my hand! I’m writing another chapter for my LifeStory: Lessons From A Dog. He’s much improved, and we’re doing great--he’s a KEEPER! Funny, funny dog!

Another 2007 highlight is that I began attending Franklin Community Church last spring to play piano, a paid position. The church is a mix of wonderful folks from an assortment of denominations, which I’m happy to say is not an issue! Most are from the farming community, where my mother started teaching school back in the early 1950’s! In fact, that old brick school building sits several hundred feet down the highway from the church! Good solid Bible teaching here… FCC celebrated their 100th Anniversary last year! The building sits on a knoll surrounded by farmland, a picturesque, postcard-perfect little country church. The building is clapboard construction, white with beautiful stained glass windows throughout and a spire that reaches toward the heavens! In addition to traditional hymns for congregational singing, I work up an offertory each week. It stretches me, and that’s good! Otherwise, I may not keep up piano as I’d like! I’m happy there!

Derryl, Dustin & Jessica are doing great here! This was a GOOD move for all of us! I live across town from them, and days go by without seeing them, but I’m still at times involved driving TAXI for the kids! Dustin will be 17 in Feb, and Jess will be 15 in Mar… Both are beautiful, delightful young people!

The latest news here is that my ex, Derryl’s & Kevin’s father, suffered a stroke on Dec 13. He was admitted to the hospital immediately, which is good--it’s too early (as I write) to know his prognosis, but we are hoping and praying for his full recovery! I’ve emailed some of you about this, and will update as we learn more.

Another year in history is quickly coming to a close! Another year closer to the return of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, whether by the Rapture or by our transition from life on this earth as we know it to live forever in eternity! A Moment of Silence for friends who passed on this year: Richard Swarner, Nita Metcalf, Tim Lee and Warren Enzler, all Alaska friends. What a sobering reminder that we need to be ready! “No one knows the day nor the hour…” And I might add, nor the WAY in which our time will end. I need to be READY, and so do you!

Concerning this blog, I plan to keep it up better in 2008 than I have in 2007! Thanks for your patience! Remember the little pin we used to wear in the 1960's or '70's: “PBPGINFWMY” ?? {=PleaseBePatientGodIsNotFinishedWithMeYet}

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
With love, Linda / ‘Lyn’


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